Netanyahu: We are fed by business sector taxes

Prime Minister: The business sector and its ability to compete on Israeli and international markets are added value for the Israeli economy.

"Israel has a very strong economy, and a very strong and creative business sector. That is why we are doing our utmost to stay responsible in macroeconomic policy management. The economy needs budget discipline on one hand, while constantly encouraging the business sector," said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the conference of the Tel Aviv and Central Chamber of Commerce. "Globes" is the media sponsor of the event.

Netanyahu said that the business sector and its ability to compete on Israeli and international markets was added value for the Israeli economy. "Innovation, entrepreneurship, and business sector performance are the reasons why the Israeli economy has succeeded in growing in recent years, while most strong economies in Europe are struggling. In the end, we are all fed by the receipts and taxes paid by the business sector, and it is the force that drives the Israeli economy."

Linking education and economics, Netanyahu added, "Education must help the economy, and the economy must help education. Education without a free economy will not go far, and a free economy without education will not achieve its full potential. That is why a sophisticated integration by the two, education and the economy, is necessary."

As for the business sector, Netanyahu said, "Without the business sector there is no growth, no differentiation, and no advantage of the Israeli economy. All state and government systems, including the health, education, and welfare system, and local authorities, depend on the business sector, its productivity and creativity, which drives the Israeli economy to growth."

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on June 12, 2012

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