Wed: Maytronics nosedives

The main indices fell today, although leading stock Teva rose, while Maytronics took a beating.

The main indices on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange fell today. The Tel Aviv 35 Index fell 0.16%, to 1,971.22 points, and the Tel Aviv 125 Index fell 0.38%, to 1,968.35 points. The BlueTech Global Index rose 0.17%, to 427.27 points. The TelBond 60 corporate bond index fell 0.14%, to 376.44 points. Turnover totaled NIS 1.76 billion in equities and NIS 4.29 billion in bonds.

On the foreign exchange market, the shekel-dollar representative rate was set 0.05% lower, at NIS 3.6740/$, and the shekel-euro representative rate was set 0.25% lower, at NIS 3.9792/€.

Teva led trading today, and rose 2.55%. Bank Hapoalim fell 1.44%; Bank Leumi fell 0.75%; Nice fell 0.79%, and Bezeq, which reported today, fell 1.92%

Notable advancers today were Electreon, up 3.22%, and Tower Semiconductor, up 3.16%. Maytronics plunged 28.33% after releasing severely disappointing first quarter results and cutting its guidance. Property & Building fell 4.05%; Israel Corporation fell 3.89%; and Isracard fell 3.84%.

Published by Globes, Israel business news - - on May 22, 2024.

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