April mortgage taking shows continuing recovery

Residential construction in Ashkelon  credit: Shutterstock/Yuri Dondish
Residential construction in Ashkelon credit: Shutterstock/Yuri Dondish

Mortgage taking in April 2024 was 28% higher than in April 2023.

There was a relatively high amount of mortgage taking in April when the public took NIS 5.91 billion worth of loans even though the eight day Passover holiday reduce the number of business days last month. The level of mortgage taking was 5% down from NIS 6.2 billion in March, the Bank of Israel reports.

All surveys published recently by the Central Bureau of Statistics and the chief economist of the Ministry of Finance as well as the mortgage figures indicate a significant recovery in the housing market. Although the market has not returned to the level of activity in 2021-2022, mortgage taking in April was still 28% higher than in April 2023.

Published by Globes, Israel business news - en.globes.co.il - on May 12, 2024.

© Copyright of Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd., 2024.

Residential construction in Ashkelon  credit: Shutterstock/Yuri Dondish
Residential construction in Ashkelon credit: Shutterstock/Yuri Dondish
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