Arko, partner by Missouri mall for $21.6m

Netz Bonds buys 50% of New Haven apartments for $3 million.

Arko Holdings Ltd. (TASE: ARKO) and a US partner have signed a non-binding letter of intent to buy a commercial center in the St. Louis suburb of St. Charles, Missouri, for $21.6 million. The 28,500-square meter commercial center has an occupancy rate of 85%. The two companies will pay $6 million in equal shares from equity, and the rest with a loan.

In a separate development, Netz Bonds (2009) Ltd. (TASE:NETZ) has signed a deal to buy 50% of 22 residential and commercial properties in New Haven, Connecticut, for $3 million. The properties carry $18.4 million in mortgages. Annual rent from the 430 apartments is $4.4 million.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on October 31, 2010

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