CRM de la CRM

Microsoft's new software package meets Israeli companies' attempts to improve service.

Yesterday, Microsoft Israel launched version 3 of its customer relations management (CRM) software. This is the mature version of the software. It provides the ability to work fully in Hebrew, and full compatibility with Office programs, including the Outlook mail program. The new version opens up a new market of small and medium-size businesses for the software giant, in addition to the large enterprises market it has addressed up to now.

The new Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 was launched in Tel Aviv in the presence of Microsoft SVP small and midmarket solutions and Microsoft business solutions COO Orlando Ayala. The Tel Aviv launch took place at the same time as the launch of the software in dozens more countries.

Microsoft says the new version represents an end-to-end solution for managing customer relations, including modules for marketing, sales, and customer service. According to Microsoft, the new version provides expanded options for special customization to the needs of a business, including changes in interfaces and templates, and fast integration with other applications.

At the press conference accompanying yesterday's launch, Ayala said, "Microsoft's entry into the enterprise applications market (CRM and ERP) is a strategic move, and is among the main steps taken by the company in the current decade. The investment in this move amounts to several billions of dollars. These business applications are a vital additional layer that integrates into Microsoft's platforms."

Microsoft Israel CEO Danny Yamin said, "In the past year we have succeeded in generating a real change in the Israeli CRM market. The focusing of many Israeli companies on raising the standard of service to their customers boosted demand for a solution that can be implemented quickly and at low cost.

"We are convinced that the new product will lead to further momentum in this market, since it enable those working with information systems in enterprises to understand their customers better, to identify demand, trends, and business opportunities, and to improve the service experience. We estimate that, in the coming year, we will add to the base of CRM users hundreds of businesses and organizations that have never been exposed to CRM before, making Microsoft the leading player in the field."

Microsoft's entry into the Israeli CRM market began in May 2004, at the time of Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer's visit to Israel. During that visit, Ballmer launched the first Hebrew version of the CRM software. Microsoft says that, since then, the CRM package has enjoyed great success.

Microsoft also reported that, since Ballmer's visit, some 20 Microsoft business partners in Israel had been authorized to market and implement the product, and that about 80 enterprise customers had bought it. The investment in these projects is estimated in the tens of millions of shekels.

Among Microsoft's CRM customers in Israel are Union Bank of Israel (TASE: UNON), Maccabi Health Services, Albar, the BDI group, Hashmira, Eldan, Syneron Medical Ltd. (Nasdaq: ELOS) Nur Macroprinters Ltd. (OTCBB:NURM), among others.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on February 16, 2006

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