Transport Ministry wants answers on no-brake train from Modi'in

"We had to learn about this in the media."

Tensions are rising between the Ministry of Transport and Israel Railways over passenger safety monitoring. Sources inform ''Globes'' that the ministry is considering opening an investigation against Israel Railways over the departure of a train without working brakes from Modi'in earlier this week.

The train left the Modi'in Central Station to Tel Aviv during the morning rush hour, but failed to stop at the next station, Pa'ate Modi'in. No one was injured when the train succeeded in stopping at an incline several hundred meters from a station.

The Ministry of Transport claims that Israel Railways failed to notify the ministry of the incident, despite explicit guidelines published a month ago. In a letter sent to Israel Railways CEO Yitzhak Harel, the ministry states, "This incident is extremely worrying, and we take it seriously… Instead of notifying us, we had to learn about in the media."

The Ministry of Transport ordered Israel Railways to notify it immediately of any safety incident involving a train, including the submission of a preliminary report within 48 hours. Israel Railways was asked to give regulators access to its real-time reporting system, and allow officials to reach the site of an accident, if necessary.

Israel Railways said in response, "Israel Railways places great importance on its collaboration with the Ministry of Transport."

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on February 26, 2009

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