January to November tourist entries up 44%

Tourist entries averaged 127,000 a month, seasonally adjusted in September-November.

Tourist entries rose 44% in January-November 2004, compared with the corresponding period of 2003, which included the war in Iraq. Tourist overnights at hotels were up 51%, according to an analysis of Central Bureau of Statistics figures by economic ministries in Jerusalem.

Tourist entries averaged 123,500 a month in January-November. Tourist overnights at hotels averaged 396,400 a month.

Tourist entries averaged 127,000 a month, seasonally adjusted in September-November (the latest available figures), 15.5% higher than in the corresponding period of 2003. Tourist overnights at hotels averaged 428,000 a month in this period, an increase of 28.5%.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - www.globes.co.il - on December 26, 2004

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