Israel’s annual per capita expenditure on gambling - $440

Out of NIS 10 billion, NIS 3.5 billion is spent on Lotto and Toto tickets.

Israelis spend NIS 10 billion a year on gambling, according to a survey conducted by Credit Information Association.

Israeli gamblers have overtaken their European and US counterparts in expenditure per capita on legal gambling activities. Europeans spend an average of $135 a year and Americans spend an average of $250. Israelis spend an average $440 a year.

Out of the NIS 10 billion spent on gambling, NIS 3.5 billion is spent on the lotto regular lottery draw and Toto sports betting tickets. A further NIS 1.5 billion is accounted for by legal bets placed through the Internet and cellular networks. Israelis spend NIS 5 billion a year on illegal gambling activities in Israel and overseas.

The typical legitimate gambler is 40-60 years old, lives in the city has an average income and regularly buys lotto regular lottery draw tickets, Toto sports betting tickets, TDB Hish Gad (scratch card) lottery cards and Chance lottery draw tickets. 30% of regular Toto, Lotto and Hish Gad players are people aged 16-35.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on March 29, 2006

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