Thrombotech to begin clinical trial of blood clot treatment

The company claims that its peptide can achieve its target as a stand alone drug without the need to be combined with existing drugs on the market.

Israeli start-up Thrombotech Ltd. yesterday released new findings about a peptide that the company has developed to treat blood clots and their resulting strokes. The company is about to initiate clinical trials.

The findings, published in “Nature Neuroscience”, indicate that the peptide selectively treats blood clots without causing side effects or hemorrhaging, which cause strokes. The company has already demonstrated the ability to treat this severe medical condition without side effects in animal trials. The company now claims that its peptide can achieve its target as a stand alone drug without the need to be combined with existing drugs on the market. On the basis of the findings, the company has filed a broad patent application.

The drug Thrombotech is developing is intended to improve treatment of blood clot derived conditions. Currently, only 3% of stroke patients receive such treatment because of the side effects of existing drugs.

Thrombotech was founded in 2001 at Naiot Venture Accelerator, controlled by Ofer Hi Tech Ltd. The company’s investors are its founders and Ofer Hi Tech. The company is based on discoveries and developments by Prof. Abd Hijazi and his laboratory at Hadassah Medical Organization Ein Kerem and the University of Pennsylvania.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on October 19, 2006

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