D-media adds Zulu to advertising network

Dapei Zahav set up D-Media to create an advertising network that will enable advertisers to post ads simultaneously on portals.

D-media, the internet media arm of Dapei Zahav Ltd. (Golden Pages), has signed its first cooperation agreement with the portal Zulu for the sale of advertising space. D-Media was set up to create an advertising network that would enable advertisers to post ads simultaneously on all or selected Dapei Zahav portals. This method enables small websites, which currently lack advertising, to benefit from Dapei Zahav’s network and challenge large websites.

D-Media CEO Oren Hefetz said, “This is our first agreement, and we expect more to follow shortly.”

D-Media covers ten other Dapei Zahav portals, including Zap, medical services information site InfoMed, home sales and rental sites Madas, and academic services site Professor.

Zulu, founded in the 1990s by Sharon Tal, is a fun site, which offers mind teasers, games in Hebrew, a Hebrew names search engine, crosswords engine, and Hebrew-English dictionary.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - www.globes.co.il - on July 3, 2007

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