Senior Hamas figure ready for cease-fire

Israel recently released Hamas leader Sheikh Hassan Yousef from administrative detention. He called on the US and international community to stop defining it as a terrorist organization.

Hebrew news service “Itim” quotes Sheikh Hassan Yousef, considered a senior Hamas leader in the West Bank, as saying that Hamas was ready for a ten-year hudna (truce). Sheikh Yousef called on the US and international community to review its boycott of Hamas and stop defining it as a terrorist organization.

Israel released Sheikh Yousef from administrative detention after the death of Palestinian Authority (PA) chairman Yasser Arafat. He is considered close to Arafat and other senior PA officials and as a Hamas moderate.

Senior Hamas leaders in Gaza and abroad have not yet responded to Sheikh Yousef's comments.

Sheikh Yousef made the comment after PLO leader Mahmoud Abbas (Abu-Mazen) called for an end to the state of anarchy in the PA, and for the return of illegal arms in the territories.

Israeli security officials in Gaza told "Itim" that the PA had prepared a security plan to put an end to the carrying of illegal arms in Palestinian streets. The PA will start by training security forces at a headquarters in the northern Gaza Strip, who will carry out joint patrols with other security forces in various parts of the Gaza Strip.

Published by Globes [online] - - on November 29, 2004

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