The intifada of suits and ties

The first intifada was about stones. The second intifada was about suicide bombers, and the third intifada is about suits and ties.

Israel's politics and media went through a tough weekend. The US President stood up and declared that the basis for negotiations with the Palestinians should be on the basis of the 1967 lines, with exchanges of territory between Israel and the Palestine that will be established. The Israeli media rushed to cover the speech, but sought to calm the public by saying that Barack Obama opposes the Palestinian initiative for UN recognition of a Palestinian state.

Obama's speech was a component of the Palestinians' diplomatic intifada. The first intifada was by stones and resulted in the 1993 Oslo Accords. The second intifada was by suicide bombers and was an utter political failure. The third intifada, the one being waged now by people wearing suits and ties - officials, businessmen, and lawyers using economic plans, building infrastructures, and filing legal claims.

What exactly are Israelis so upset about? It is not every day that a US President declares his support for a settlement based on the 1967 borders. But this was no surprise: the Israeli media, which is so impressed by speeches, does not follow the reports and agreements by international economic organizations. If the Israeli media did so, news that a Palestinian state is about to be established in 2011 would not have been a shock.

For example, the intifada of suits and ties has achieved the quiet abandonment of the West Bank by Israeli companies, and resulted in other Israeli companies to reconsider the risks of continuing operations beyond the Green Line if a Palestinian state is established.

The main objective of the intifada of suits and ties is the establishment of a Palestinian state on the basis of the June 1967 borders, including eastern Jerusalem. They are assisted, financed, organized, and sometimes guided by organizations such as the World Bank, the IMF, and the EU. All this, especially activity by the World Bank, cannot be carried out without the approval and consent of the US administration.

Building the infrastructures of the Palestinian state was completed a few months ago, according to an IMF report, published in April. The state can be declared at any time, which means that the intifada of ties has achieved one of its objectives.

Now comes the realization of the state, and it will probably happen by means of a declaration by the UN General Assembly. The US can publicly say that it opposes such a move, but in practice it continues training battalions of Palestinian police, building schools, paving roads, and guiding government officials in Ramallah.

Israeli domestic politics is losing its relevance with regard to the establishment of the Palestinian state. No one asks the average Israeli politician about his or her position on the issue, because it has no importance. They can be consoled that they can still hear their response to Obama's speech in the Israeli media.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on May 24, 2011

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