Steinitz: We'll implement Trajtenberg

"The committee is recommending very important reforms in many sectors."

The Minister of Finance Yuval Steinitz told “IDF Radio" (Galei Zahal) in an interview this morning that the government will implement the recommendations of the Trajtenberg committee for socioeconomic change.

"IDF Radio": Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has promised to implement the recommendations. Will you do this?

Steinitz: "I suppose so. In the past, this government has shown its ability to make decisions and to implement them, to cope with the economic crisis, and with the Sheshinski Committee, and I am sure they will succeed this time as well."

Will the recommendations be implemented to the letter?

"The document is very complex, especially the ports privatization issues, but everyone agrees that we must make the changes. The process has already begun at Eilat Port. If significant objections are raised, I believe changes will be made."

How much will all of this cost?

"It will cost a lot. Most of the money will come from moderate cuts from Ministry of Defense budget extras, and the committee has stressed this point. It is important to note that the cut will be moderate - and we are talking about a cut in a recession of NIS 2.5 billion, while we will increase transparency in the system.

What about the intimidation from the defense establishment?

"I suggest that the intimidation cease. When there was a need, I was the first to add the supplements. We must leave everything in proportion. There is room to make cuts in the defense budget for the good of other issues that are no less important."

What about the defense minister?

Minister of Defense Ehud Barak announced that the defense establishment will contribute significantly - and now they are doing what they said they would do."

Protest leaders are disappointed. Could the protests start again?

"I do not want to comment on the protest - people have a right to protest and this is a very important democratic right. The committee is recommending very important reforms in many sectors, including a decrease in the cost of living, and changes in early childhood education."

What will you do if once again hundreds of thousands of protesters take to the streets?

"The Trajtenberg committee's recommendations are valuable - no government in the history of Israel has done more in one term than the current government."

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on September 27, 2011

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