Tridshops launches 3D social shopping platform

Dror Sorek
Dror Sorek

The Israeli company has raised $1 million from private investors.

Israeli start-up Tridshops has raised $1 million from private investors and launched a full-scale 3D social shopping platform, which it claims is the world's first. The platform makes it possible to quickly and easily set up and manage 3D virtual stores where shoppers can stroll as if in a brick-and-mortar store, from the comfort of their homes.

The system combines elements of joint social shopping, in which each user can invite friends on Facebook - and later on other social networks - to join them in strolling through the 3D virtual store, chat, and exchange opinions and ideas about the store and its goods. The advanced platform is designed for all types of stores, from toy, clothes, and shoes, through electronics and computers, to jewelry, motorcycles, and cars. The cross-platform system permits online 3D shopping on personal computers, tables, and smartphones.

Tridshops will launch its first pilot in Israel with an international brand of recreation goods.

Tridshops’ platform, which is partly patent protected, allows retailers and storeowners to choose the type, model, design, and color, of the virtual shops and to fill their shelves with goods. Users can easily move through the store using the mouse and even embark on a virtual voyage to simply navigate throughout the store similarly to a brick-and-mortar store. In contrast to an ordinary store, the platform creates a unique experience because of the ability to add special designs and integrate video clips and rich media content.

The platform offers additional information about the goods, makes it possible to examine them closely, and to turn them through 360 degrees, increasing consumer confidence to buy the product and reducing returns. Users can contact the sellers directly for support through a user-friendly help screen.

Tridshops founder and CEO Dror Sorek said, “Tridshops is the first company in the world to achieve what others have tried and failed to do: a full and smoothly working 3D social shopping platform, which will be a turning point in this sector. Shopping in 3D at a virtual store creates a unique experience, enhancing consumer confidence and reducing calls to the service center and the return of goods. This technology improves the 3D virtual store’s conversion rate and boosts customer loyalty and satisfaction. It also raises brand value; increases time spent on the site and the likelihood of consumers sharing favorable opinions compared with other shopping, and creates a full ability to examine shoppers’ habits and consumer preferences. We are negotiating with a number of leading brands about the use of our platform, and we will soon launch the first pilot. We believe that a growing number of leading stores retail chains will soon adopt out platform.”

According to Keren Brown Tsamir, the CEO of software house OneCode, which led the development of Tridshops, “The platform we developed creates a three dimensional arena taken from the real time world and games, to simulate real stores in which it is possible to move in the style of first person shooter (FPS) games. Movement of this kind suits all users, including people unused to moving through the 3D virtual world. The system also allows cooperation and chats through Facebook, and later through other networks, offers rich sound, full interaction, and full search capabilities. Our developers, designers, and 3D experts worked hard to create a platform that combines operating simplicity, high performance, rapid movement and a smooth experience.”

Watch the video about the Tridshops platform

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on June 15, 2015

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