Unilever halts Shufersal supplies


Shufersal's CEO had ordered some Unilever goods off its shelves in a dispute over reduced promotions for the upcoming holiday season.

Israeli supermarket chain Shufersal Ltd. (TASE:SAE) has taken Unilever products off the shelves, including food and cleaning supplies, "Globes" has discovered. Unilever's products have not been sold by Shufersal for several days.

Shufersal's decision to take Unilever's goods off its shelves stems from a commercial dispute, itself caused by a drastic cut to Unilever's promotions budget for the supermarket giant.

Shufersal dropped the thin bagel chips from Bagel Bagel, chocolates from Vered Hagalil, 778 jam, and Telma's 1 kilogram mayo, among other items.

In response to Shufersal's action, Unilever told the supermarket chain at the end of last week that if its products were not returned to stock, it would completely halt supplying its entire line of products from the chain beginning on Sunday.

The commercial dispute has emerged ahead of the busy Rosh Hashana shopping season, which begins in mid-September, but it is important to note that the agreements over the holiday specials are being negotiated these days, while the stores receive their pre-holiday stock in August.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - www.globes-online.com - on July 26, 2015

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