House arrest terms eased for Emblaze's Eli Reifman

Supreme Court Judge Elyakim Rubinstein said, "When we're not talking about a violent man or fundamental threat to his surroundings, there is room to allow him to move about."

has eased the house arrest terms for Emblaze Ltd. (LSE: BLZ) founder Eli Reifman, allowing him to leave for one hour during the afternoon. He is still not allowed to enter the company offices.

Rubinstein made the decision in a hearing on Reifman's petition against the terms of his house arrest.

Reifman has been indicted for aggravated fraud and forgery and use of forged documents to transfer $2 million.

Rubinstein said, "When we're not talking about a violent man or fundamental threat to his surroundings, there is room to allow him to move about."

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on March 8, 2010

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